E-Mediation and Arbitration
Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) has been an effective tool in resolving legal disputes between the litigants. The statistics indicate that a high number of lawsuits settle before trial. In most cases, the courts impose mandatory settlement conferences before the trials to allow the parties negotiate settlements. These mandatory settlement conferences take place several weeks before trial. The state and federal court judges have standing orders for this procedure.
Electronic mediation and arbitration (also referred to as “e-mediation” and “e-arbitration”) are becoming more prevalent as technology provides better solutions. The mediations and arbitrations can take place virtually without physical contact. The online sessions can take place by using Skype, Zoom, or WebEx that allow virtual meetings and easy communications. This is especially true since our clients who include businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs, conduct international e-commerce transactions with foreign nationals and commercial entities. Our law firm provides litigation and transactional services to startups, entrepreneurs, investors, technologists, experts, and professionals. Our mediators and arbitrators have expertise in contractual disputes, shareholder disputes, intellectual properties, and internet or technology-related matters.
We assist clients in resolving disputes by using sophisticated legal strategies in litigation, arbitration, or mediation. Our law firm assists clients in settling cases during litigation which may take place through settlement conferences or neutral evaluations. Arbitration and mediation have always been an integral part of the legal system. These procedures take place by joint stipulation of the parties or when it is court ordered. The parties select the neutral evaluator who can be a retired judge or lawyer with expertise in the legal dispute. For example, if the lawsuit is mainly regarding trademark violation, then it is best to select a neutral evaluator who has the necessary knowledge and expertise. The same principle applies if the issues are related to e-commerce transactions.
We assist clients in resolving disputes that have a domestic or international component. The domestic cases are usually heard in state or federal courts with proper jurisdiction which means they have the authority to render a decision on the merits. In other cases, the domestic courts may not have jurisdiction so the parties must litigate the case in a foreign nation. Our international business, e-commerce, and internet attorneys have established relations with foreign legal counsel, solicitors, and professional organizations such as the American Arbitration Association, National Arbitration Forum, International Bar Association, International Chamber of Commerce, and International Centre for Dispute Resolution.
We provide Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) services by using the latest technologies. Online Dispute Resolution is a better way to resolve disputes. It allows the parties to submit their files to the mediator or arbitrator who in turn reviews the evidence and renders a final decision. The parties can hold online meetings or conferences after submitting the evidence. They are given the opportunity to submit pleadings, motions, briefs, expert reports, or other documents. Our neutral mediators and arbitrators carefully review the evidence, hold virtual meetings, and render a final decision. The remote process is relatively simple and less time consuming when compared to state or federal court trials. Our law firm’s legal experts are here to assist clients with their legal disputes.
We provide Virtual Dispute Resolution (“VDR”) services by holding remote meetings and conferences with the parties. Our mediators and arbitrators review the files after they are submitted to our law firm. The files will be carefully reviewed by the designated neutral evaluator who will eventually render a decision. Now, whether that decision is binding or non-binding depends on the parties’ stipulations and understandings. So, in other words, the parties have discretion to enter into a binding or non-binding case evaluation.
It's important to know your legal rights and responsibilities for resolving disputes through mediation and arbitration. We are here to discuss the best and most practical options with you. So, contact our law firm to speak with a knowledgeable mediation and arbitration attorney at your convenience.